Charter for Clients of APS/AAPi Psychologists 

All psychologists are legally required to be registered in Australia, which means your psychologist is registered with the Psychology Board of Australia. Your psychologist is also a member of the Australian Psychological Society or Australian Association of Psychologists Inc., the largest professional organisations for psychologists in Australia. These safeguards mean that your psychologist is properly trained and ensures that you receive high quality, ethical service. As a client of an APS/AAPi psychologist, you have a right to expect that: 

  • You will be treated with respect at all times 

  • Your cultural background and language tradition will be respected 

  • You will be given a clear explanation of the services you will receive 

  • You will be asked to give your consent for any service provided by your psychologist prior to the service commencing and as it progresses 

  • You will receive an explanation about the confidentiality of the service and the exceptional situations where your confidentiality may not be protected 

  • You will receive a clear statement about fees for your psychologist’s services 

  • There will be a discussion about the estimated number of sessions required to achieve your goals 

  • You will receive skilled and professional services from your psychologist 

  • There will be clear goals that you and your psychologist are working toward 

  • You can ask any questions about the service you are receiving 

NOTE: If you have any concerns about the above matters, please discuss them with your psychologist